Friday, 11 September 2020

GSE were recently contracted by Conrad Energy to undertake a breakdown repair, following an aftercooler failure, of an in-service 6 Series Jenbacher generator, installed at a STOR po...

Thursday, 05 July 2018

GSE provided a specialist team of service engineers to repair failed ‘Ruston RK 270’ main engines onboard the T&T Spirit operated by the Port Authorities of Trinidad and Tobago.<...

Sunday, 04 December 2016

In December 2016 GSE commenced a major workshop overhaul for YLEM Energy Ltd of an 8 Cylinder Perkins engine. The engine was due to be re-located and was due a major 70’000 hour ov...

Friday, 11 September 2020

The GSE field service team continue to provide both scheduled service support and breakdown support of our customers throughout the COVID pandemic, whilst maintaining strict social d...

Sunday, 04 December 2016

January 2017, GSE completed a minor overhaul of a Jenbacher 3 Series generator, installed at Highfield landfill site, operated by Cory Environmental ltd.

During a 5 day shutd...


Case Studies

Please take a look at some of the varied engineering work we have done across the martime, industrial, locomotive and green energy industries.

Port Authorities of Trinidad & Tobago



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Bay Ferries Management Ltd



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Railway Vehicle Engineering Ltd



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