Case StudiesPort Authorities of Trinidad & Tobago

Ruston RK 270 Crankcase & Crankshaft Repair


Port Authorities of Trinidad & Tobago



Key Parameters:

In-situ repair of original entablature block, to facilitate fitting of oversized cylinder liners, • Complete Lubricating oil system flush, Complete Lubricating oil system flush, Complete Lubricating oil system flush.


August 2017 – March 2018

Project Desciption/Specification:

GSE were contracted directly by the Port Authorities of Trinidad and Tobago to assist with a specialist In-Situ repair of the Port Inner main engine; Crankcase & Crankshaft on-board T&T Spirit, following a Catastrophic cylinder liner failure.

Working alongside the original engine manufacturer MAN Diesel UK and In-Situ Machining Solutions (UK) Ltd, the damaged Crankshaft and Entablature were repaired in-situ during a lay-up period the Caribbean Shipyard facility in Chaguarmas, Trinidad.

The resultant impact damage caused by a single cylinder liner failure required removal of the complete auxiliary drive casing, crankshaft damper, along with damaged crankshaft counterbalance weights and all x20 cylinder units.

This enabled sufficient access for engineers to carry out a specialist in-situ repair of the damaged lower liner landing bore. Resulting with a machined sleeve being fitted to the lower cylinder liner landing, along with top liner landing bores machined to accommodate oversized cylinder liners throughout the entablature.

Further repair work was completed on the damaged crankshaft section to remove broken fastenings within the Crankshaft web, along with replacement of three damaged counterbalance weights.

During the lay-up period of the vessel, several additional modifications were completed on Port inner engine components, including:

  • In-situ repair of original entablature block, to facilitate fitting of oversized cylinder liners.
  • Complete Lubricating oil system flush.
  • Overhaul of all main engine gear driven Water & Oil pumps.
  • Ultra-Sonic overhaul of original after-coolers.
  • Full examination and subsequent repair of Main Engine Exhaust system, including specialist repair of original exhaust manifolds.
  • Repair and re-calibration of main engine governing, protection and monitoring systems.
  • Replacement of original Turbochargers, with high efficiency OEM supplied Turbochargers.

On completion of the Port Inner engine repair work, GSE, MAN Diesel Service and ABB Turbochargers conducted initial harbour trails to carry out initial no-load bearing runs. Subsequently followed by full DNV acceptance trials to verify complete operation of the vessels engines during full load operation.

T&T Spirit returned to active service, operating between the islands of Trinidad and Tobago in April 2018, following the subsequent repairs completed on the Vessels Stbd Outer and Port Inner main engines


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Port Authorities of Trinidad & Tobago



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